
Showing posts from June, 2020

Beware of people

People are the most dangerous creatures on earth as i've seen. No one can predict his thoughts and actions at a certain point of time. No one can predict of he's planning for his/her normal way of behaviour or responce or a different one. Their thoughts and actions are governed by desires which makes them dangerous and often unpredictable. The measure of uncertainity in his action for an individual arises from his level of understanding and knowledge. Knowledge also means that of presence and existance. We could therefore quote that " desires makes a person dangerous ". Desires are born out of once interest and creativity. Therefore the more weird their interest and creativity, the more dangerous they would become.                                                 _B_#mythoughts

From Comedy to Irony

    I know that people are different and maybe some are even weird. While some people discuss about their development or country's development there are people who discuss about charity and ways to relieve the pain of a poor. There are also people who research and there are people who are creative enough to give different dimentions to a single topic. There are also people who wants to open up about less revealed or unclear topics. Some people talk about topics that the socity peeps to hear; that would be something that they like or love to hear but againt their moral (don't lie to yourself). A renound actress in her sesson for standup comedy recently  started to discuss her views openly about such a topic a weak ago. Apperently that was a standup comedy for the people who gathered there but ironically the series of events got to be a more standup comedy.  Stand-up comedy is a comic style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually speak...